- Instructors Advisory Class: Teaching MEDance to Adults -
Important psychological and safety considerations, material
presentation techniques, in class student management, key dance
concepts by student level, sample curriculums. 3 hours
- Choreographic & Non-Choreographic Dancer Intensive -
Arms & Professional Body Positioning, Musical Interpretation,
Emoting & Audience Relations, Entrances, Exits, Spot &
Full Choreographing Techniques, Floor Patterning --- all to
communicate and emphasize your own style and strengths and hide
your weaknesses. 3 hours
- Career Counseling Lecture and Q&A. So
you want to... be a soloist, feel more creative, have
more dance opportunities, dance at local clubs, start
a regular show, travel, start an event, start a troupe,
become a teacher, increase your class size, become a
workshop instructor. Proven techniques presented and
a chance to discuss your own problems or interests.
2.5 hours
- Practical Stagecraft
for Belly Dancers - Lighting,
room and stage dynamics, achieving
special effects, make-up effects.
2 hours
- This class is intended for the dancer needing to better
understand rhythms, or the anyone interested in Middle Eastern
Rhythms. Proper striking technique and drum selection will be
addressed. Rhythms will also be presented in finger cymbal format.
The rhythms to be covered are a combination of the rhythms most
commonly used for Middle Eastern dance including: "Beledi"
- properly known as Masmoudi Sagir; Saidi; Chiftatelli - a Turkish/Greek
rhythm; "Masmoudi" - Masmoudi Kabir; Maksoum, Ayoub
- a hot 2/4 with variations; Bolero - commonly used in Egyptian
music; Karsilima 9/8 (Turkish); Sulukule 9/8 (Modern Turkish);
Persian 6/8; Moroccan 6/8 and more. Students receive written
rhythm lists. Class will go as far as the experience and aptitude
of the students allows during that class period. 2.5 hours